Smart's LTE signal makes my blogging life easy

I personally love using my Smart prepaid sim especially during blog events because it has more signal than other competitor. Aside to the signal the amount that I spent while subscribing to their services are affordable. Technology advances, so quickly these days, there are a lot of network providers, but I do really choose smart when it comes to handy LTE signal.

Do you know the advantages that you can get when you choose LTE technology?
If you're looking to improve your mobile experience, consider upgrading to Long-Term Evolution (LTE) technology, which provides the fastest mobile data experience to its users. LTE is also perfect for faster uploading photos and videos on your social media accounts, making seamless, high-quality video calls to your loved ones abroad, and keeping up with today's increasingly digital workplace, where emails and conference calls are musts, and smartphones are the most important tool for the office.

The Smart choice
To maximize the advantages of LTE, you need an LTE-enabled device, an LTE SIM card, and a dependable network service provider. WIth the three combined, you're on the fast road to an exceptional mobile experience.

However, despite its many benefits, upgrading to LTE can still be expensive for most Filipinos but with Smart Bro LTE Pocket WiFi, you can now enjoy Smart's fastest LTE network speeds on your 3G phones, tablets and computers for only P1295! The Smart Bro LTE Pocket WiFi even lets you enjoy improved indoor coverage, utilizing the 700Mhz band. More than having affordable deals for all, Smart also offers the fastest LTE speeds in the country, as published in a third-party study by J.P. Morgan, making today the best time to upgrade to Smart LTE.

Visit your nearest SM mall information booth or Smart SPeedzone booths around Cyberzones this month to upgrade to LTE.

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