Who is Dashing Mom

Hey #DashingMomSquad! I'm Rayrose and welcome to my blog. Dashing Mom is a mixed of two words that I lived by Dashing - meaning stylish or fashionable and Mom - because I am now a mother for a 2 year old baby boy Harvey my #littleSamson. My blog are a combination of Mother, Lifestyle and Beauty blog. I prefer it to be that way because I like to give my readers and followers information that I gather from my everyday life.

I like to share some of my ideas about being a Mom, especially to a baby boy that is so makulit but very lovable. As a first time mom, I am just learning new things and I want to share it to you. I want to share to you hopefully my everyday ramblings,  maybe you can get something out of my ideas.

My whole-name is Rayrose Camille Samson, Join me as I inspire you with my post and share to you my life as a mom, lifestyle blogger, content creator.

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